What to see in Siena
Land of the Palio. Land of saints. Land of glory and high cuisine. Land of art and beautiful countryside. Siena has as many faces as it has charming medieval streets.
Come and discover what there is to see in Siena and around.
Land of the Palio. Land of saints. Land of glory and high cuisine. Land of art and beautiful countryside. Siena has as many faces as it has charming medieval streets.
Come and discover what there is to see in Siena and around.
This piazza with its shell-like shape, is famous throughout the world for its unique setting and atmosphere. It is the true center of the city, hosting the city government in the Palazzo Pubblico and the famous Mangia bell tower. This is where the twice-yearly Palio has been running since medieval times.
One of the most beautiful gothic churches in Italy. The magnificent facade is just a taste of what you’ll find inside. It took 40 years and 200 artists to complete the extraordinary polychrome marble floor. The pulpit was made by Nicola Pisano and the la Biblioteca Piccolomini was frescoed by Pinturicchio. Don’t miss the 13th-century Crypt which was only discovered in 1999, and which has its own brilliant and fresh frescoes, unique in their style.
Alongside the Duomo is the Baptistery, built in 1300. In the middle of the building is the 15th-century baptismal font, by Jacopo della Quercia and adorned with bas reliefs by various artists, including Lorenzo Ghiberti and Donatello.
The museum, which houses the artworks from the Duomo, includes the Meastà by Duccio di Buoninsegna, which once graced the high altar, and the stained glass window dedicated to the Virgin Mary. But that’s not all: you can also see works by Quercia, Donatello, and Giovanni Pisano.
Originally a hospital and home for pilgrims, this building is now a beautiful space for art exhibitions and a fine museum in its own right. Among other things, it’s worth visiting the Etruscan section with an interesting selection of archeological findings.
To really learn about the Sienese school, you’ll find works by major local artists at the Pinacoteca, including a number by Duccio di Buoninsegna, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, and Domenico Beccafumi.
Its origins date back to 1226, when it was founded by the Franciscans upon the death of their saint. Inside are valuable works of art by the Lorenzetti brothers and it was here in 1730 that 351 hosts were lost and then found a few days later under mysterious circumstances. The hosts are still kept in the church, miraculously intact.